Project: CodeConnect


CodeConnect is a specialised task management that can help NUS CS students keep track of their tasks in any modules and is linked to their local contacts to find students that take the same modules. This gives them an easy way to source for help within each module. The user interacts with it using a CLI, and it has a GUI created with JavaFX. It is written in Java, and has about 10 kLoC. Given below are my contributions to the project.

Summary of Contributions

Code Contributed

Enhancements Implemented

  • UI Improvements
    • Create two separate tabs for contacts and tasks list
    • Tab focus will change according to previous command entered
      • additional parameter in CommandResult to determine which tab the command should focus upon execution
    • Create fxml files for TaskListCard and TaskListPanel
    • Edit MainWindow class to contain both a contacts list and task list
  • findc command to search for contacts by name, module, or task
    • Create ModuleTakenPredicate and CanHelpWithTaskPredicate classes
      • allows for searching contacts by module and task, on top of regular search by name feature
    • Modify FindContactCommandParser class
      • to parse for user entered prefix (n/, m/, ts/) and create the correct predicate used to contact searching during execution
      • to handle erroneous inputs
    • Modify FindContactCommand class
      • to detect wrong index when executing find contact by task index
  • saveme command as a convenient alias to findc ts/1
    • add switch case in CodeConnectParser for saveme
    • add factory method to FindContactCommand
  • clean command to delete all completed tasks
    • add deleteCompletedTasks to the model interface and implementation

Contributions to UG

  • Add guide for the following commands’ usage:
    • findc
    • saveme
    • clean
  • Add list of prefixes to the end of UG
  • UG tips, notes, and warnings about:
    • Deadline Formats
    • Flexible Module Format
    • Field Prefixes
    • clean VS clear command distinction
    • Tag and Module prefix usage
    • Warning on clear command

Contributions to DG

  • Add implementation guide for the find/findc feature including:
    • UI screenshot
    • Activity diagram (with PlantUML)
    • Sequence diagram (with PlantUML)
    • Design considerations regarding multiple search keywords
  • Overall presentation

Contributions to Team-Based Tasks

  • Release of v1.2.1
  • UI changes
    • change app name to CodeConnect

Review/mentoring Contributions

  • Primary reviewer for parnikkapore’s PRs
  • Occasionally review other team members PRs